
The overlay plugin supplies actions and triggers for interacting with overlays. See here for more info on creating overlays.



Causes an alert widget to show itself. The action allows you to change the title, message, and input color of the alert widget. If you want to change the duration or media. Edit the widget in the overlay editor.

Alert Alert Widget
Which widget to use for this action.
Title string
Which text to pass to the top line of the alert widget.
Message string
Which text to pass to the bottom line of the alert widget.
Color Color
Which color to pass to the alertColor color reference. This can be used in the text styling of the Alert widget itself to allow the action to change parts of the alert's text coloring.
Spin Wheel

Adds velocity to a wheel widget in an overlay.

Wheel Wheel Widget
Which widget to use for this action.
Strength number
How much angular velocity to add to the wheel.


Wheel Landed

Fires when a wheel has landed.

Wheel Wheel Widget
Which widget to use for this action.
Item Name string
If empty the trigger will run for any item, if filled out the trigger will only fire if the item text matches this value.
item string
The Item the wheel landed on.