

Twitch Chat

Sends a message in twitch chat. This will use your bot if you've signed in with one.

Message string
The message to send.
Send Whisper

Sends a whisper to a twitch account from your bot. You must sign in with a bot to use this action. Your bot must have a verified email address in order to send whispers. You can share the same email between both your main account and your bot account.

To string
The user name of who you want to send a whisper to.
Message string
The message to send.
Make Annoucement

Send's a special chat message marked as an annoucement. Your Bot must be a moderator in your channel to use this action.

Message string
The message to send as an annoucement.
Color Twitch Annoucement Color
Twitch provides a few set colors for annoucements, choose one here.

This action is the equivalent of using the /shoutout command in chat. It will cause a special popup to display allowing viewers to follow the account you shouted out.

Twitch Name string
The twitch user name you want to shout out.
Stream Title

Changes the title of your stream. If you want a more organized way of channging titles and tags. See the Stream Plans.

Title string
The new title for the stream.
Run Ad

Runs an ad immediately on stream.

Duration Twitch Ad Duration
Twitch has a few durations of ads you can pick from.
Stream Marker

Places a marker at the current spot in stream that you can later use in the Twitch video editor.

Label string
Custom label of the marker you're placing.
Create Prediction

Starts a new prediction on your channel. Will fail if there's already a prediction running.

Title string
The title of the new prediction.
Duration number (seconds)
How long in seconds the prediction should run before closing.
Outcomes Array of strings
The different outcomes viewers can wager channel points on.
Create Poll

Starts a new poll on the channel.

Title string
The title of the poll
Duration number (seconds)
How long in seconds the poll should run before closing.
Choices Array of strings
The choices you want viewers to vote on.
Channel Points Per Vote number
Setting this will allow users to spend channel points to sway the vote in their favor. This is how many channel points it takes for an extra vote.



Used for creating chat commands.

Command string
The text command to use for matching the command. If left empty, it will trigger for every message.
Match enum
  • Start: Will trigger only if the beginning of the message is the same as the Command.
  • Anywhere: Will trigger if the Command appears ANYWHERE in the message.
  • Regex: Will treat the Command as a regex expression and only trigger if it matches the message.
Permissions - Viewer boolean
If turned on, any chatter can use the command.
Permissions - Sub boolean
If turned on, subscribers can use the command.
Permissions - VIP boolean
If turned on, VIPs can use the command.
Permissions - Mod boolean
If turned on Mods can use the command
Permissions - Streamer boolean
If turned on the broadcaster can use the command.
Cooldown number (seconds)
If Cooldown is set to a value or is greater than zero, the trigger won't fire again for the same chat message until after the specified time has elapsed.
Users Array<string>
Will only trigger for users who's name is on the list. Useful for creating commands that only a specific bot can use if you're kludging together multiple bots.
message string
The complete chat message.
user string
The twitch name of the user who chatted
userId string
The twitch ID value of the user who chatted.
userColor CSS Hex Color
The color the user has picked for their chat identity.
args Array<string>
An array of arguments for the chat command, parsed using whitespace as a delimiter. Ex. "!test hello goodbye" will result in args being ["hello", "goodbye"]
argString string
The rest of the message after the first word. So for "!test hello goodbye" argString will be "hello goodbye".
filteredMessage string
The complete chat message run through a basic bad words filter. For more information see the bad-words library. To customize the filter place a badwords.json in the %appdata%\castmate\user\data folder. It should match the format of the lang.json in that github repo. In the future, perhaps there will be a UI for customizing this.
matches Array<string>
An array of strings that the chat trigger populates with the regex captures if the match mode is set to regex.
Whisper Command

Used for creating chat commands activated by whispering the bot. You must sign in with a bot to use this action. Your bot must have a verified email address in order to send whispers. You can share the same email between both your main account and your bot account.

Command string
The text command to use for matching the command. If left empty, it will trigger for every message.
Match enum
  • Start: Will trigger only if the beginning of the message is the same as the Command.
  • Anywhere: Will trigger if the Command appears ANYWHERE in the message.
  • Regex: Will treat the Command as a regex expression and only trigger if it matches the message.
Cooldown number (seconds)
If Cooldown is set to a value or is greater than zero, the trigger won't fire again for the same chat message until after the specified time has elapsed.
Users Array<string>
Will only trigger for users who's name is on the list. Useful for creating commands that only a specific bot can use if you're kludging together multiple bots.
message string
The complete chat message.
user string
The twitch name of the user who chatted
userId string
The twitch ID value of the user who chatted.
userColor CSS Hex Color
The color the user has picked for their chat identity.
args Array<string>
An array of arguments for the chat command, parsed using whitespace as a delimiter. Ex. "!test hello goodbye" will result in args being ["hello", "goodbye"]
argString string
The rest of the message after the first word. So for "!test hello goodbye" argString will be "hello goodbye".
filteredMessage string
The complete chat message run through a basic bad words filter. For more information see the bad-words library. To customize the filter place a badwords.json in the %appdata%\castmate\user\data folder. It should match the format of the lang.json in that github repo. In the future, perhaps there will be a UI for customizing this.
matches Array<string>
An array of strings that the chat trigger populates with the regex captures if the match mode is set to regex.
Channel Points Redemption

Will fire when a selected channel point reward is redeemed. If a channel point reward isn't bound to a trigger in any active profile. It will be automatically hidden. Conversely, if a profile becomes active it will automatically unhide the channel point rewards it needs.

Reward ChannelPointReward
The reward you want to connect to the trigger.
message string
The complete chat message sent with the reward.
user string
The twitch name of the user who chatted
userId string
The twitch ID value of the user who chatted.
userColor CSS Hex Color
The color the user has picked for their chat identity.
filteredMessage string
The complete chat message run through a basic bad words filter. For more information see the bad-words library. To customize the filter place a badwords.json in the %appdata%\castmate\user\data folder. It should match the format of the lang.json in that github repo. In the future, perhaps there will be a UI for customizing this.
matches Array<string>
An array of strings that the chat trigger populates with the regex captures if the match mode is set to regex.
Shout Out Sent

Triggers when you use /shoutout. This is a good replacement for !so. If you use /shoutout you the nice pop up in chat allowing your viewers to follow the shouted out person. This will let you add additional automations around /shoutout.

user string
The twitch name of the channel you shouted out.
userId string
The twitch id of the channel you shouted out.
userColor string
The chat identity color of the channel you shouted out.
First Time Chatter

Fires on a user's first ever chat message in your channel.

message string
The complete chat message.
user string
The twitch name of the user who chatted
userId string
The twitch ID value of the user who chatted.
userColor CSS Hex Color
The color the user has picked for their chat identity.
filteredMessage string
The complete chat message run through a basic bad words filter. For more information see the bad-words library. To customize the filter place a badwords.json in the %appdata%\castmate\user\data folder. It should match the format of the lang.json in that github repo. In the future, perhaps there will be a UI for customizing this.

Fires when you get a new follow.

Reward ChannelPointReward
The reward you want to connect to the trigger.
user string
The twitch name of the user who chatted
userId string
The twitch ID value of the user who chatted.
userColor CSS Hex Color
The color the user has picked for their chat identity.



Fires when a user subs to your channel.

Months range
Number of months the user has been subbed. Use this to do different triggers based on returning subs.
months number
Number of months the user has been subbed for.
message string
Message included with their sub.
user string
The twitch name of the user subbed
userId string
The twitch ID value of the user who subbed
userColor CSS Hex Color
The color the user has picked for their chat identity.
prime boolean
True if the user subbed with prime
filteredMessage string
The complete message run through a basic bad words filter. For more information see the bad-words library. To customize the filter place a badwords.json in the %appdata%\castmate\user\data folder. It should match the format of the lang.json in that github repo. In the future, perhaps there will be a UI for customizing this.
Gifted Sub

Fires when a user gifts subs to your channel. The regular sub trigger will not fire for each sub gifted.

Subs range
Range of subs given. Used to run different triggers for different amount of subs given.
subs number
Number of months the user has been subbed for.
user string
The twitch name of the user who gifted the subs
userId string
The twitch ID value of the user who gifted the subs
userColor CSS Hex Color
The color the user who gifted the subs has picked for their chat identity.
Bits Cheered

Fires when someone cheers with bits in your channel.

Bits Cheered range
Range of bits to trigger on. Used to create different triggers on different amounts of bits.
bits number
Number of bits cheered.
message string
Message included with their cheer.
user string
The twitch name of the user subbed
userId string
The twitch ID value of the user who subbed
userColor CSS Hex Color
The color the user has picked for their chat identity.
filteredMessage string
The complete message run through a basic bad words filter. For more information see the bad-words library. To customize the filter place a badwords.json in the %appdata%\castmate\user\data folder. It should match the format of the lang.json in that github repo. In the future, perhaps there will be a UI for customizing this.


Incoming Raid

Triggers when a raid comes into your channel.

Raiders range
Range of viewers required to fire the trigger.
raiders number
Number of raiders that came in the raid.
user string
Twitch name of the channel raiding you
userId string
The twitch ID value of the channel raiding you
userColor CSS Hex Color
Color the channel raiding you has chosen for their chat identity
Outgoing Raid

Triggers when you raid a channel

Raiders range
Range of viewers required to fire the trigger.
raiders number
Number of raiders that came in the raid.
raidedUser string
The channel you're raiding
userId string
The Twitch ID of the channel you're raiding.

Mod Actions

User Banned

Triggers when you ban a user

user string
The name of user banned
User Timed Out

Triggers when you time out a user

user string
The name of user banned

Hype Trains

Hype Train Started

Triggers when a hype train has first started.

level number
Current level of the hype train. This will be 1 since this is the start of the hypetrain. It's included for compatibility with other hypetrain events.
progress number
How many points into the current hype train level we are.
total number
Total hypetrain points
goal number
Next level's point goal.
Hype Train Level Up

Triggers when a hype train moves to the next level

level number
Current level of the hype train.
progress number
How many points into the current hype train level we are.
total number
Total hypetrain points
goal number
Next level's point goal.
Hype Train Ended

Triggers when the hype train ends.

level number
Current level of the hype train.
progress number
How many points into the current hype train level we are.
total number
Total hypetrain points
goal number
Next level's point goal.


Prediction Started

Triggers when a prediction first becomes available to viewers.

Title string
If left blank then this trigger will fire for any prediction, otherwise it will use the matching scheme to only trigger if the prediction's title matches this value.
Match enum
  • Start: Will trigger only if the beginning of the predictions's title is the same as the Title.
  • Anywhere: Will trigger if the Title appears ANYWHERE in the predictions's title.
  • Regex: Will treat the Title as a regex expression and only trigger if it matches the predictions's title.
title string
The title of the prediction
outcomes Array
The prediction options.


title string
The name of the prediction item
color CSS Hex Color
The color of the prediction item
points number
The number of channel points on the prediction item.
matches Array<string>
An array of strings that the trigger populates with the regex captures if the match mode is set to regex.
Prediction Locked

Triggered when time has run out for viewers to add channel points to the prediction.

Title string
If left blank then this trigger will fire for any prediction, otherwise it will use the matching scheme to only trigger if the prediction's title matches this value.
Match enum
  • Start: Will trigger only if the beginning of the predictions's title is the same as the Title.
  • Anywhere: Will trigger if the Title appears ANYWHERE in the predictions's title.
  • Regex: Will treat the Title as a regex expression and only trigger if it matches the predictions's title.
title string
The title of the prediction
outcomes Array
The prediction options.


title string
The name of the prediction item
color CSS Hex Color
The color of the prediction item
points number
The number of channel points on the prediction item.
total number
The total number of channel points across all prediction outcomes.
matches Array<string>
An array of strings that the trigger populates with the regex captures if the match mode is set to regex.
Prediction Settled

Triggered when time has run out for viewers to add channel points to the prediction.

Title string
If left blank then this trigger will fire for any prediction, otherwise it will use the matching scheme to only trigger if the prediction's title matches this value.
Match enum
  • Start: Will trigger only if the beginning of the predictions's title is the same as the Title.
  • Anywhere: Will trigger if the Title appears ANYWHERE in the predictions's title.
  • Regex: Will treat the Title as a regex expression and only trigger if it matches the predictions's title.
title string
The title of the prediction
outcomes Array
The prediction options.


title string
The name of the prediction item
color CSS Hex Color
The color of the prediction item
points number
The number of channel points on the prediction item.
winner Object
The winning prediction outcome.


title string
The name of the prediction item
color CSS Hex Color
The color of the prediction item
points number
The number of channel points on the prediction item.
total number
The total number of channel points across all prediction outcomes.
matches Array<string>
An array of strings that the trigger populates with the regex captures if the match mode is set to regex.


Poll Started

Triggered when a poll is first started.

Title string
If left blank then this trigger will fire for any poll, otherwise it will use the matching scheme to only trigger if the poll's title matches this value.
Match enum
  • Start: Will trigger only if the beginning of the poll's title is the same as the Title.
  • Anywhere: Will trigger if the Title appears ANYWHERE in the poll's title.
  • Regex: Will treat the Title as a regex expression and only trigger if it matches the poll's title.
title string
The title of the poll.
totalVotes number
The total number of votes cast across all choices in the poll.
outcomes Array
The poll choices


title string
The name of the poll choice
votes number
The number of votes this choice has received.
votes number
0.0 -> 1.0 fraction of the total votes this choice has received.
matches Array<string>
An array of strings that the trigger populates with the regex captures if the match mode is set to regex.
Poll Ended

Triggered when a poll ends

Title string
If left blank then this trigger will fire for any poll, otherwise it will use the matching scheme to only trigger if the poll's title matches this value.
Match enum
  • Start: Will trigger only if the beginning of the poll's title is the same as the Title.
  • Anywhere: Will trigger if the Title appears ANYWHERE in the poll's title.
  • Regex: Will treat the Title as a regex expression and only trigger if it matches the poll's title.
title string
The title of the poll.
totalVotes number
The total number of votes cast across all choices in the poll.
winner Object
The winning choice


title string
The name of the poll choice
votes number
The number of votes this choice has received.
votes number
0.0 -> 1.0 fraction of the total votes this choice has received.
outcomes Array
The poll choices


title string
The name of the poll choice
votes number
The number of votes this choice has received.
votes number
0.0 -> 1.0 fraction of the total votes this choice has received.
matches Array<string>
An array of strings that the trigger populates with the regex captures if the match mode is set to regex.